Loaves and Fishes

"Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied,and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand." Matthew 6:41-44

As I have stated previously, I'm a busy person. I really do love my job (not both jobs, just one specifically) and I enjoy doing the things that I do. But I hate days like today. Not because I'm busy, or because I'm on campus for 12 hours, or because I'm hungry thanks to the lack of vegan friendly food on campus, but I hate it because the day is rushed. Class after class, task after task, meeting after meeting. I get so caught up in agendas and plans and schedules that sometimes I forget the big picture.I am always thinking about the plan for right now, maybe the plan for tomorrow, at the most the plan for next week, but the plans that God has sculpted I could seem to care less about.

The big picture is that I am a child of God. I was formed in His image, crafted(i love that word) by His own hands. I wasn't created to just go through the motions. I wasn't called to be a drone on a workforce somewhere. I was called to go and make disciples of men.

I know I am literally called to go (as a livelihood, profession, few years? Not sure) . Where? When? How? With whom? With what money? I have no clue. All I know is that like Isaiah, i am saying, "Here I am Lord, send me." I want to be a fisherman (fisherwoman?). I want to follow the calling, "Be fishers of men."

These days may stress me out, but I know that I need to come back and focus in on the bigger picture (most of which I has not even been revealed). My focus should be on my Father, not my planner.